High-Grade Zone (MS2)
- DDMan21-93 intersected 19m @ 7.52 g/t from 24.6m
Including 21.28 g/t over 5m- Demonstrate potential to expand the resource footprint to the NW and connect to Mankouke West
- DDMan21-89 intersected 24m @ 4.78 g/t from 7.5m including 32.9 g/t over 2m
- Lies directly on trend to the strong aeromagnetic signature
- Confirms geological thesis of multiple parallel zones that are close to surface
Vertical Depth Extended (MS1)

- Hole 89 shows vertical depth down to 300m from 220m
- Hole 86 with 30m @ 2.36 g/t from 162.5m and Hole 85 with 7m @ 6.01 g/t from 154.3m
- Remains open at depth and along strike
- Increases interpretation confidence that feed source should be part of a big system analogous to some of the known large deposits in the region